House washing and building washing in winter is a special kind of job. Character building is probably the best way or representing the overall vibe.
It's not officially winter yet but this week has been a very accurate preview of how it's likely to look after we pass the starting gun on June the 1st.
Watching one's soapy solution literally freezing to a wall as it's applied at 0600 on a sub-zero morning gives one reason to pause and consider the wisdom of getting up early to go outside and get wet.
But the wonderful outcome of such madness in -3 of frost is that we made a particularly gungey commercial premises look like new again before trading started for the day.
To anyone who has any questions in their mind about washing a house or building in the colder months, please accept my assurance that the cold weather makes not a shred of difference to the efficacy of the process and this week has provided scientific proof of that assertion. Yes, the operator gets cold but that's going to happen anyway! And besides, hot drinks and pies are a cold weather cure all for we hardy souls at GA.
If you're looking at a house or building that needs some help, go ahead and give us a call on 0800 647 336 and we'll put wrongs to right - whatever the weather.
Further disclaimer to previous: Once again I apologise for not waiting for my five year old to get home from school to create the scene for this blog.
And also, if I'm honest I'll tell you this is a house in the Siberian Taiga and not a commercial premises in Hamilton!
It's not officially winter yet but this week has been a very accurate preview of how it's likely to look after we pass the starting gun on June the 1st.
Watching one's soapy solution literally freezing to a wall as it's applied at 0600 on a sub-zero morning gives one reason to pause and consider the wisdom of getting up early to go outside and get wet.
But the wonderful outcome of such madness in -3 of frost is that we made a particularly gungey commercial premises look like new again before trading started for the day.
To anyone who has any questions in their mind about washing a house or building in the colder months, please accept my assurance that the cold weather makes not a shred of difference to the efficacy of the process and this week has provided scientific proof of that assertion. Yes, the operator gets cold but that's going to happen anyway! And besides, hot drinks and pies are a cold weather cure all for we hardy souls at GA.
If you're looking at a house or building that needs some help, go ahead and give us a call on 0800 647 336 and we'll put wrongs to right - whatever the weather.
Further disclaimer to previous: Once again I apologise for not waiting for my five year old to get home from school to create the scene for this blog.
And also, if I'm honest I'll tell you this is a house in the Siberian Taiga and not a commercial premises in Hamilton!